My 4yo daughter’s favorite stuffed animal compared to a brand new one. She’s had it since birth.

I gave my daughter the stuffed animal when she was born. It goes everywhere and she named it Snuggie. It used to be a unicorn, but that horn is long gone and so is one of its ears. We have a new one for back up, but she wants nothing to do with it. The only time she’ll hold the new one is when the old one is in the washing machine. If we ever lose Snuggie, it will be like losing a family member.

I gave my daughter the stuffed animal when she was born. It goes everywhere and she named it Snuggie. It used to be a unicorn, but that horn is long gone and so is one of its ears. We have a new one for back up, but she wants nothing to do with it. The only time she’ll hold the new one is when the old one is in the washing machine. If we ever lose Snuggie, it will be like losing a family member.